Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

Want No War? A Symptom That Nazism Perdures

March 17, 2024

Do not whine that war is bad. Ask instead what it is for.

Friend of a friend Manfred Krieger:

Will mankind ever learn that wars do no good to anyone?

Patrice Ayme: All over the world, the vermin helping Putin claims that war does not do any good. Similarly the Nazis, after claiming for years that they were the party of peace and minorities, accused big bad France of having launched WW2. France did, indeed, but that was after the Nazis had invaded a few countries, including two democracies, and officially killed a few hundred thousands of alleged mental retards and genetically defective (including a relative of Hitler).

Vermin helping Putin has been crawling around the French and German leadership for a quarter of a century. That Putin was a war criminal was obvious as early as 1999.  Nevertheless, he was treated as one of them by the European leaders.

The Putinists claim that war never helped anyone. So the war to stop Hitler did not do good to anyone? Only an obdurate Nazi would hold that opinion. My family was hunted by the Gestapo, I am delighted that more than five million Nazis got exterminated like the vicious vermin they were. It would have been better if the French Republic had declared war on the Nazi gangrene earlier. Destroying the vermin when it was weaker would have saved the lives of 50 million thoroughly innocent people who got killed as a result of having let the Axis fly from victory to victory, getting stronger from gathering territory and allying with nearly as equally repulsive tyrannies, and all sorts of vile characters in the process.

This sort of snowball gathering of fascism may well happen now: the Chinese dictatorship is sitting on a fence, not trying to help the Kremlin tyrant too much. The fascist Iranian theocracy retreated a bit when threatened recently by the West after attacks in the Israel, Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and Syria. 

This hesitancy on the part of fascists also happened in World War Two: for a long time, Mussolini did not dare to join Hitler, but then they militarily cooperated attacking Spain and three years later, attacking France. But ultimately, except for Franco who looked degenerate, but was smarter, fellow dictators, even Stalin, sided with the Axis. 

In final analysis, WW2, and also WW1 happened because, primarily, not enough Germans fought the forces of fascist imperialistic plutocracy inside Germany. So it is a lack of war, not an excess of it, which brought disaster. That happened because not enough Morally Correct Germans realized in a timely manner that it would do some good to destroy the fascist imperialistic plutocratic mentality

None of this deplorable meta-mentality of appeasing infamy is obsolete: France and Germany encouraged and empowered the Kremlin vermin in the last quarter of a century, by building its economy and financing it with advantageous trade. Now the Kremlin vermin is potentially the greatest threat against humanity and civilization, ever. And what does the German government do? Claim that one should not fight the Kremlin gangrene too much, to not aggravate matters too much. But that appeasement in face of the unacceptable only encourages the latter. Germans still have to understand the biggest lessons of history.

An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile quality food, hoping that the ferocious creature will die of indigestion.

Patrice Ayme

Munich 1938, when France was dissuaded to stand firm with the Czechoslovakian Republic, her ally, against Hitler. Daladier thought war was unavoidable. Chamberlain probably thought the same, but he wanted time to build and deploy planes with more modern tech (Hurricanes, Spitfires, long range bombers) and built up the Navy (with aircraft carriers). In retrospect, maybe 60 million lives would have been saved if France had gone to war in 1938 instead of giving Prague to that vermin of Hitler. When France was invaded in May 1940, half the tanks, and most of the medium Nazi tanks, were not of German, but Czech manufacture. From left to right: Chamberlain, UK PM, Daladier, French PM, Hitler, Mussolini and Ciano, Mussolini son in law and Italian foreign minister, executed by the former, Mussolini himself was executed by the Italian resistance and hanged from an ESSO gas station… a clear message… Standard oil and other major US oil companies were a force behind fascism… From Tokyo to Madrid… So the three proud fascists in the picture above died, after being cornered for months, like the rabid rats they were…

Appeasement Is Inducement. To Avoid Nuclear War, Prepare For It. Si vis pacem nuclearem, para bellum nuclei!

March 5, 2024

The only way nuclear war will not happen is if the West, the democracies, keep such an obvious military supremacy that the dictatorships will not dare to attack with nuclear weapons, knowing that they would lose. 

Also, in the great test case of Ukraine, the democracies have to define victory as the return of Ukraine to the borders it had even in Roman times… which coincide with those the USSR attributed to the Ukrainian Republic! Should Ukraine be lost, by the same mechanism, already applied in Africa, the West will find itself in a nuclear war.

Energy beams (say lasers) should de deployed on all ships right away (300 KW combat laser exist, and are cheaper than two million dollars anti-missiles, the launching of which is economically unsustainable).

The threats from the Kremlin nuclear tyrant are ever more explicit [0].

(Western nations) must realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory,” Putin said during his annual State of the Nation address to the Russian parliament. “All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they get that?!

Moreover: preserving “the issues of strategic stability” will not happen Putin scoffed, while they “defeat Russia strategically on the battlefield?” So Putin is now threatening nuclear strategic instability lest we stop seeking to defeat him on the battlefield… In a country which Russia agreed by treaty to protect: Ukraine surrendered 5,000 nuclear warheads to Russia that now Putin threatens to use against Ukraine… Or the West… Now Putin implies that the war will last forever, and ordered the arrest of top Baltic politicians, including Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas… for unspecified “crimes”. The message is clear: the Baltic nations are part of Russia, Russian criminal law applies there, even to Prime Ministers, they are next.

Instilling fear in the Russian establishment is a must for the West, but it would be amplified by instilling fear and discomfort in the allies of Putin, within Russia and outside of Russia. The dictators and their enablers should be pointed out and, in the case of the latter, and if possible, get so punished that they would stop. Indeed: 


Lesson From WW1 and WW2: Neutrals Enabled The Fascist Aggressors:

One must observe that enablers, supposedly “neutral” enabled the aggressions of world war one and two. The Kaiser got his explosive making capability from the US in WW1, in the early years. Hitler got help of all sorts from many “neutral” or allies… some of whom he would attack later! Let it be simply pointed out that imperial Japan got its oil from the US in the 1930s, while Hitler got his high grade iron from Sweden.

Right now, Putin is making lots of money from supposedly neutral countries which give him the high tech he needs, through illegal trade…


Mutually Asymmetric Determination: Putin knows he wants unending war, because he says it. The West must make clear Ukraine must recover its borders.

Putin made clear now that he intends to “destroy civilization” to prevent a “defeat on the battlefield”. (Hitler probably wished he could have been in such a position. Instead he could have tried to kill a few millions with gas before seeing a large part of Germany go up in smoke…)

Putin thus has demonstrated his extreme determination. What of the determination of the West? A western plutocrat was allowed to prevent a vast Ukrainian attack against Putin’s occupying forces in Crimea. No prosecution. Why? The plutocrat finds itself at the head of a private company of such importance the Pentagon recently announced that it reserves for itself a right of preemption on any launch of a new giant rocket under development.

The West must match Putin’s advertized determination by an equally great determination, saying that the West defines victory as reestablishing Ukraine in its borders in the last century (which are the borders of Ukraine since Roman times!)… Defining victory is the first step in a serious war.

Putin is perfectly capable of using a nuclear weapon. Because he does not believe the West will reply in a commensurate fashion. Indeed the more he threatens to do so, the weaker the West’s response. So appeasement is inducement. We saw something similar with Hitler: the Nazi dictator was persuaded that the West, which was reduced to France and Britain, would fold as he attacked Poland with the help of the Kremlin. But, instead of following the example of the cowardly, calculating US, and all other democracies, France and Britain declared war….

As long as he is winning, as it is the case right now in winter 2024, Putin will not use a nuclear weapon [1]. 

The USSR had no interest in launching a nuclear war: its dictatorship was well established… and self-dissolved. 

However Putin has an interest in keeping his war going, because it helps his dictatorship. In his discourse to the Russian Parliament in 2024, Putin did not mention an end to the state of war, ever. Too many lives have already been lost… even for Russia: war must go on, as part of the regime, indefinitely.

At some point the indefinite war of the Kremlin will cut too deep in the flesh and bone of the West. For example, Russia is establishing dictatorships all over Africa, complete with Russian bases and Russian mercenaries. Can Europe live with a hostile Africa armed with Russian nuclear weapons? Perhaps, but it will not be comfortable. Life was possible at Auschwitz but it was not comfortable, and in any case, doomed. Even if the present European leaders are ready to live under increasing submission, knowing human nature, that will not last forever: a future generation may rebel, and fight.

It is wiser to fight when one has more power. In the 1930s, Nazi Germany had very little real power. It is the West’s divisions and mismanagement which empowered Hitler. Right, as I have explained, some of these divisions were actually deliberate: the US Deep State had interest to recover the European empires.

However, now, the US and its allies, the West, is in control of the world’s GDP (even if one counts China as an ally of Putin). That will not last if Russia is allowed to expand its empire. The time to put an end to the fascists’ military adventurism was in the 1930s, more exactly at the latest 1938, before surrendering Czechoslovakia to Hitler. Czekoslovakia had the means to resist Hitler, for example probably more and better armor, and excellent fortifications. France should have gone at it alone against Hitler with its Czech ally, putting the UK’s Chamberlain in front of his responsibility… and also it would have put Poland, a dictatorship, in front of its responsibilities. When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland invaded too, and grabbed a piece of Czechoslovakia. Poland, like the tyranny that was the USSR, tried to play Hitler as a violin. In the end, it turned into a general conflagration.

Iran, China and North Korea are also trying to play Putin as a violin. All these countries have been in conflict in the past. Several centuries. The last conflicts between China and Russia were very recent… And Russia can be presently viewed by Chinese maps as occupying a gigantic chunk of China… The Russian invasions happened in 1858 and 1860. In 1900, Russia occupied all of Manchuria… which was promptly lost after the defeat by Japan in 1905…

It gets better: tactical nuclear bombs on a battlefield should be rather ineffective against dispersed armor. But quite the opposite in cities. So one may expect Putin to use nukes on cities, once their usage on troops has proven rather ineffective.

How to keep nuclear peace? Prepare for nuclear war. The idea is not new… but not popular as it must become.    

Si pacem nuclearem vis, para bellum nuclei

Patrice Ayme


Time to get used to the idea again! But this time, it’s for real because the threats of the mad tyrant are clear enough, and his self interest is eternal war, as he made implicitly clear! Putin makes Stalin look wise…. The Soviets looked towards a more socialist, progressive, scientific society; Putin longs for Ivan The Terrible (and Putin’s antics with the Wagner group had an analogue under Ivan!).

[0] Kremlin NUclear Tyrant: KNUT?

[1] The string of defeats of Ukraine since the change of commanders may be (partly) a trick… Let’s not say more….

Si Vis Bellum, Para Pacem!

October 17, 2023

War is spreading around the world, when so much peace has been prepared. Pacifists are lost, they moo like lonely cows, their little brains befuddled in their big bodies. And that lack of preparation for war is exactly the problem. When Hamas drove into Israel, using bulldozers and motorized hang gliders, it found little army presence. A few rave party security guards with pistols presented little challenge for fully armed Hamas warriors. At some point, two Israeli soldiers in underwear, were found hiding below a bed…

The Romans, whose empire lasted a millennium, used to say: Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. Thus, if one does not prepare for war, one does not want peace. That’s the simplest logic. When civilization is prepared to use force, anti-civilizational forces are subdued. Now there are no more. The dictator of China intends to quintuple its strategic nuclear forces, just to make sure that China get nuclear annihilated in a proximal future?

A ridiculously partisan (but he is paid for, and influential from his partisanship!) Paul Krugman claims it’s all the fault of a political party in the USA (the party he is paid to trash around by his immensely wealthy friends!). Consider The Strange Decline of the Pax Americana, Oct. 16, 2023

Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. As Israeli warplanes pummel Gaza to avenge the Hamas attack, Palestinians say the military’s fury has largely unleashed its fury on civilians. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair, Comment from the New York Times: … “avenge“…)

Here is my comment to him:

Pax is in decline. America, not so much. Why would pax be in decline? In part because ecological problems have become deadly. For example, attracted by its mineral riches and strategic location, tyrant Putin invaded Crimea… And then found out that Crima needed the water coming by a canal from the Dnipro river… In Ukraine…. Actually Ukraine has lots of rivers, while drought is threatening much of Russia. So there is a strong ecological contribution to the motivation of Puting for invading Ukraine. 

And so it goes around the world. When Niger was “decolonized” in 1960, there were 3 million people living in that desert. Now there are ten times that. Actually, Africa, with its inhospitable deserts and jungles has 1.5 billion people which it cannot feed… soon to be, by 2050, 2.5 billion… Many of them want to move  to Europe or America, while their countries fail. Remember that Ukraine fed 400 millions with grain. 

The war in Ethiopia, Tigre and Erithrea has been so violent, one has no idea how many millions died… Birth registries and death certificates have been casualties themselves, they mass disappeared… Hamas mass homicide extravaganza was just a small example of what has been going on recently and more of which is coming.Worldwide.

One cause of the increase of war is a lowering of the gradient of military capability between the West and the Rest. Europe, in particular France, has been losing military control of Africa, and is replaced by Wagner, Russia, China, etc.

Si vis bellum, para pacem!

Patrice Ayme

US Military Dominance Brought 77 Years Of Peace. Now What? Welcome India! And Let The European Military-Industrial Complex Blossom!

November 5, 2022

The absence of new large scale war in the last 77 years was caused by US led military and diplomatic dominance of France-UK-USA (which control 2/3 of the United Nation Security Council Permanent Membership, and founded the UN, and its predecessor). The US, in particular, was the deus ex-machina of Pax Americana, having previously discreetly turned even Stalin’s USSR and China into client states (Putin and Xi were created by the established order). 

Not the sort of historical interpretation of reality that the establishment wants you to have.

The USA crucially and massively helped Stalin militarily in 1941, shortly after having refused to help the French Republic a year earlier in fighting Hitler (in spite of “guarantees” given by Roosevelt to France). According to expert Wehrmacht and Soviet generals, this US military help to Stalin saved the USSR from the Nazi onslaught. Moreover, Harriman had redeveloped Baku oil fields, offshore, insuring his colleague Stalin would have plenty of energy…

Why this apparently nonsensical behavior to those who believe the Shoah, or the Gulag, were very significant events? Because there is a deeper sense hidden below.

For the US Deep State, the French Republic was a world rival, co-leader with Britain of immense European empires. Demolish them, and the world would be an American oyster.  Stalin was just a Georgian, South Ossetian ex-bank robber, just a soldier of the US new order. So Stalin was given half of Europe at Yalta, by the US administration overruling an aghast Churchill, knowing full well that Stalin or his successors would ruin Europe and lose it and the Russian realm. As intended. 


Then the US led the effort to develop China, followed enthusiastically by the naive Europeans, who didn’t understand that they were de-industrializing themselves… Under the pretext of “free markets”… the latter being not applied by US law to any US state business… that includes the giant US military-industrial complex… Indeed, the US was spared degenerating de-industrialization with gigantic military budgets: if you have got to have the best rockets, planes and ships, you will achieve some technical dominance where it matters most: at the edge of destruction. China, after suffering a rough millennium of successive invasions, has understood this.


However, the US has been too successful in its dominance. Europe has adaopted a possum strategy: behave like a stinky corpse addicted to Putin gas. The US, led by Trump, has gone MAGA… But actually never stopped being MAGA: the cynical investment in SpaceX, a sort of private NASA, was a case in point. Under Elon Musk’s exalted leadership, SpceX went right ahead, and Obama financed him. Meanwhile, Europe degenerated. Germany taught China how to make cars, France taught China how to make trains, nuclear plants, and even planes. While the US kept up with a select immigration, Europe was more into illegal destitutes, and the European school system degenerated into teaching why it was so good to be destitute, invaded and PC. 

Thus the dominance of the West has eroded, due to the relative weakening of Europe… And the rise of many powers, worldwide, irrigated by the tax mitigating, “green” promoted investment of Europe anywhere but home.

Thus one should anticipate the return of large scale war… Except of course if the Kremlin’s attempt to boldly confront democracy and decency fails. Even then, European-American dominance will have to be strongly reasserted militarily. That means much more defense spending, with a balance between the US and Europe… 

Spending more on defense inside Europe with European companies is something many Europeans do not agree with, prefering instead to become obsequious clients of the US, a behavior that is so short-sighted, that even Donald Trump correctly insisted it should be discontinued… Trump may have missed the US Deep State’s sneaky strategy of making Europeans dependent on US Defense, hence US top notch technology. Trump tried to save Europe, so some in Europe insulted him. 


Modi, India’s PM, said in public to Putin that he had told Vlad that this is not the age of war. However, unfortunately, as resources relatively shrink, even before sea level starts to rise in earnest, this is going to be the age of warExcept if a strong military coalition led by the less corrupt democracies can reassert itself. This is one of the reasons why a democracy like India should be vigorously encouraged to join the West in all ways. So give India the treatment which has been extended to China for decades: massive development through manufacturing.

What can be extended to India, because it’s a democracy, should be extended to Europe. Germany and other European powers have greedily bought US military systems, in the hope that US weapons make the US stakeholder in their realms. This policy would clearly backfire, if Trump returned as president. It is obviously backfiring under Biden too, but because Biden is more polite, Europeans did not notice that they are digging their own economic grave. The Germans, full of traditional Teutonic resentment, have said they will not finance French companies: they much prefer to finance US companies, even when the French firms’ products are superior to the US one. An example is the Aster/SAM T/Mamba air defense, a French interception rocket capable of 60 (sixty) gs (60 times the acceleration of gravity) maneuvering. Germany prefers US or US-Israel rockets… Which are less performing for realistic situations as encountered in Ukraine…

Why does Germany do this? Because Germany, under Prussian influence, has learned Machiavellian power politics as a morality play. It’s known under various names, such as “Realpolitik”… Which is ironic, as Germany was the most unrealistic state in the world for generations. The resulting catastrophic bouts with fascism in the Twentieth Century have not cured the German mentality completely: as it used to look up to the Kaiser, Hitler, Putin, now it wants to look up to, and take order from, and be dependent of… Trump? Is that the smart thing to do?

Germany is prostituting itself, going from Putin’s hydrocarbons to now the weapons and gas of the US of Biden (the mental contortions would be more amusing if Trump were in power). Prostitutes deoend upon pimps, and that’s not a job for the future… A future full of war, be it only against the rising ocean…


No weapons, and the will to use them, no democracy. The rise of democracy was directly caused by the domination of the hoplites (heavy infantry) over aristocratic cavalry. Modern equivalent is control by We The People of dual use technologies, including debating power.

Patrice Ayme

The Taj Mahal is exemplary of the cultural wealth of India. It can be viewed as a Muslim monument. Commissioned in1631 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (r. 1628–1658) to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal; it also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall.

The Mughal Empire ruled much of South Asia between the 16th and 19th centuries.For some two hundred years, the empire stretched from the outer fringes of the Indus river basin in the west, northern Afghanistan in the northwest, and Kashmir in the north, to the highlands of present-day Assam and Bangladesh in the east, and the uplands of the Deccan Plateau in South India (Kerala to the extreme south stayed independent). It was founded in 1526 by the Uzbek Babur.


September 24, 2022


Any concession to tyrant Putin will make his bellicose drive worse. Appeasement will only tell him that he has got to be right, he is winning, and he is on the right path. We have seen that movie with Hitler. The drama with the Sudetenland in 1938 has much in common with the drama in the Donbas, including a dictator screaming that minorities were in mortal danger, and sham referenda: Hitler had been elected in part on the promise of protecting what he claimed were abused German minorities. 

Thus Pangermanism wanted to annex the Sudeten to Germany. However, Hitler was not so ridiculous as to pretend that the Sudeten inhabitants were victims of a genocide at the hands of the Czechs. He proposed an annexation referendum, overseen by the German army, though. The Czeks refused, France mobilized, so Hitler proposed a peace conference, at Munich, during which a piece of Czechoslovakia was given to Germany.

Putin’s discourse about a (completely imaginary) “genocide”in the Donbas is worse than Hitler’s raging statements about the Sudeten. A first attempt to propose a referendum of the Sudeten about annexation overseen by the German army was blocked by a war threat from France [1].   Hitler was given land at Munich in 1938… To appease him. 

That appeasement was not just a weakness, it gained time, the way France and the UK looked at it at the time (they were wrong). France and the UK did not have the USA with them, and Britain had basically no army (same as in 1914). The US was neither diplomatically, nor economically, nor politically or militarily with its parents, France and Britain. Roosevelt had named pro-fascist ambassadors to the UK and Germany, and hordes of US plutocrats were making the fascists regimes prosperous, well invested and fueled [2]. 

For many years, the New York Times, and other US media, did their best to ignore Hitler’s exactions, even while the German dictator was notoriously killing millions of minorities, and occupied democracies.

While Hitler was momentarily appeased, Britain was frantically equipping itself with a huge state of the art air force. France and the UK felt that time worked in their favor, militarily, because of their great empires.

Hitler invaded Austria in March, a day before a planned referendum on annexation by Germany (similar to Putin and his sham referenda).  After weakening Czechoslovakia militarily, grabbing its defense lines, Hitler invaded the rest. When getting ready to invade Poland, Hitler allied himself with the Kremlin (to add to his alliances with Italy, Japan and Spain). This time, France and the UK declared war.

The NYT, and pseudo-progressives paid by Putin, are at it again with the Kremlin nuclear tyrant: “If [giving part of Ukraine to Putin] happens, a territorial settlement will be reached and the global rules-based international order will be re-established”… bleats hopefully Mr. Brooks (who censored my comment contradicting his wish to give much of Ukraine to Putin) 

Appeasing a dictator who, because of his dreams of glory, threatened to extinguish humanity, is criminal nonsense. Putin is obsessed with taking Ukraine. Any negotiated settlement will just give him time to re-arm and return with greater force and greater threats. Feed Putin, like a bear, or a tiger, he will come back. The only way to end the threat is to eliminate Putin. If not eliminated, he will come back. 


Hitler had to keep on attacking, lest the German army and Volk turned against him: too many things, including democracy and the economy, had turned sour in Germany (same with Russia today). The exact parallel is true in Russia today: war powers protect a dictator. Given any piece of Ukraine, Putin will come for more, including the Baltic and Poland

The New York Times did its best to ignore Hitler’s exactions, even while the German dictator was notoriously killing millions of minorities, and occupied democracies.

The NYT is at it again with the nuclear tyrant; the NYT, and many other media, propose appeasement with Putin: “If [giving part of Ukraine to Putin] happens, a territorial settlement will be reached and the global rules-based international order will be re-established.” This is criminal nonsense. It’s akin to appeasing a rapist who threatened to kill the victim and onlookers, by proposing to him to rape the victim just a bit, to reestablish order. Putin is obsessed with taking Ukraine. Any negotiated settlement will just give him time to re-arm and return with greater force and greater threats. He will come back. The only way to end the threat is to eliminate Putin. If not eliminated, he will come back. 


We have an extremely similar situation now with what happened with Hilter and his fascist allies in 1937-1940. However, many have learned this history, and thus opted to act differently. This is why 27 European countries, including traditional neutrals such as Sweden and Switzerland are sending weapons to Ukraine. (Sweden and Switzerland helped Nazism for many years, often crucially), France is not taking orders from Biden, and yet, has switched to war production of many of its most sophisticated weapons, after sending 25% of its mobile high precision CAESAR guns to Ukraine.

The easiest way out of Nazism occurred in 1937 when the German High Command, led by General Beck, prepared a coup against Hitler. Stupidly, they searched for help in the Uk and US. The German army asked the US and UK to stand officially against Hitler (thus supporting France, Hitler’s dedicated enemy). The German army leaders would then make a coup, arguing to the German Volk that Hitler was an existential threat to Germany. 

 The best course for peace is then, as horrible as it may sound, to prepare for nuclear war. There is simply no alternative. Any concession to Putin is a concession to a group of criminals who threatened this week to “use strategic nuclear weapons against the West for their occupation of Ukraine“.

If the Russian army realizes Russia faces annihilation, it will make a coup.

If the West is ready to fight a nuclear exchange, the Russian army will find itself in the situation that German generals naively looked for in 1937: having a good excuse for a coup. So the West has to get ready, and has to scramble into world war mass production, especially of anti-missile systems [3] (which do exist; but recently the US had just one, around Washington, while France had eleven, and sent one to Romania to protect a major Franco-American base there…) 

Some will object that nuclear war is unthinkable, that I am thinking the unthinkable. But so did Putin, and for more than a decade. The strategy of going nuclear in a conventional conflict is called by Putin’s valets: “escalate to de-escalate“. There is little doubt that nuclear weapons should be unlawful. Only a few should be left, under UN supervision, in case a comet comes our way, or some rogue criminal organization develops weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, etc.), and needs to be taken out. An example of such a gang of criminals is the Putin gang. The UN has established that war crimes were committed, including rape, torture and execution of children as young as 4. Putin’s lovers, of which there are many throughout the West, have also to answer these crimes, which they approve of, by denying they happened, similarly to the most fanatical Nazis in 1945.

Their reasons are vile: we know Putin spent at least half a billion on infliuencers, worldwide. Those influencers using Kremlin propaganda should be jailed and prosecuted (in this order: this is the greatest war, we have to switch to military law and traitors to civilizations should be soped, that is, arrested.)

So we have a criminal gang, armed to the teeth with the world’s biggest arsenal of nukes. But nukes cost a lot of money to keep functioning as anticipated, and we have to rely upon the hope that there a re semi-decent individuals in the Russian military whose sadomasochism is not so high that they will try to destroy civilization. Meanwhile, scrambling for anti-missile systems, potential evacuation of cities, and reactivation of old Western nukes should be the order of the day.

As the old French saying has it:

“A la guerre, comme à la guerre”…

In war, as in war. 

Patrice Ayme


[1] The Czechs announced on 28 September 1938 that they rejected Hitler’s proposal of an annexation referendum (the  Godesberg Memorandum). France ordered the mobilization of 600,000 men. The Royal Navy was also mobilized the same day.

Hitler feared a war against Czechoslovakia, Britain and France. He agreed to Chamberlain’s proposal for a further meeting the next day, now at Munich, between four heads of government, Chamberlain for Britain, Hitler for Germany, Prime Minister Daladier for France and Mussolini for Italy, with no Czech (!!!) or Soviet participation. On 1 October, a pact was signed which provided for possession of the Sudeten Province to be transferred to Germany, with Britain and France guaranteeing the new borders of Czechoslovakia. On 1 October, German troops marched into the Sudetenland, which was immediately incorporated into Germany. Some 115,000 Sudeten Czechs and 30,000 Sudeten Germans, fled to what was left of Czechoslovakia. By 1 March 1939, the number of refugees,  including Social Democrats, Communists and Jews, was reported by the Institute for Refugee Assistance to stand at 150,000


[2]… to replace his friend the historian Dodd who thought war against Hitler was necessary. Throughout the war, US president FDR looked more interested in weakening France and Britain, and instrumentalized various fascists, Hirohito, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and Stalin to do so. Warning: this is nearly 100% in contradiction with the official version of history… But that version is wrong, and that’s demonstrated in many of my essays, detail after detail… 


[3] Western anti-missile systems do exist; but recently the US had just one (built in cooperation with Norway), around Washington DC, while France had eleven, and sent one to Romania to protect a major Franco-American base there…


France pursued a series of nuclear tests from 1966 through 1996 at Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia. This photograph is from the 914-kiloton Licorne (Unicorn) test, July 3, 1970. Fangataufa is permanently uninhabited. It is classified as a Common Military Zone. The zone includes the lagoon areas enclosed by the atoll and by baselines linking the closest points emerging from the reef on both sides of the channel. Entry is prohibited without authorization. A standard strategic missile on a French SSBM submarine carries a higher destructive power than the bomb above (as it can spread 20% more power over a much larger area with ten warheads. The same SSBM can carry 16 such missiles. The US SSBM can carry even more missiles. Together, France, Uk, and US have 22 such submarines…

Peace Through Strength Only

December 15, 2015

There are arguments which are disingenuous, but traditional. One is that one should “turn the other cheek”, that one should reply to aggression with love, etc. All right, that certainly can help with friend and family, but, on the political scale, responding to aggression with love helps the less, the largest the scale of the political system concerned.

That Europe is under attack cannot be painted over: the working age population in many countries has gone down. Let me show the graph for Portugal, which is down 5%. But even the largest countries are affected; many of the best and brightest, both in France and Germany, are often found in places like the San Francisco Bay Area (and Germany’s population shrank catastrophically from 83 millions to 79, notwithstanding Merkel’s importation of more than one million Middle Easterners…)

Portugal Is Shrinking. Actually All Of Europe Is Shrinking, But NOT Great Britain, Where The Same Methods As In The USA Are Applied

Portugal Is Shrinking. Actually All Of Europe Is Shrinking, But NOT Great Britain, Where The Same Methods As In The USA Are Applied

Some say “Terrorism” (aka, Islamism) kills relatively few people: around 3,000 people get killed, each month, in the USA, by firearms. Obama correctly observes:”That’s insane”. Terrorists can hardly expect to kill as much, indeed. However…

However, “terrorism” imposes a much higher cost on everybody.

9/11 showed that unconventional mass attacks work (the French and Israelis had expected such an air attack for decades, all the more as it was tried in France in 1996, when a jumbo jet was hijacked for that purpose; no animal was injured during the rescue of the hostages). Since the 1990s, a missile defense system was set-up around civilian installation such as La Hague (where there was more dangerous nuclear material than anywhere else in the world)

So now, at least in France, water supplies are closely watched in real time, and extravagances such as watching for explosives are spreading throughout society. Not that having a camera for all and any angle is a bad idea: it will make all these who want to dress with a full veil, as suspicious as the emperor in Star Wars.

Today “plausible threats” were directed at all Los Angeles public schools. Just when children were going to study for the day, 1,200 (one thousand two hundred) schools were closed. 640,000 students (more than the population of Luxembourg) stayed home. Parents could not go to work, while they made other arrangements (child abandonment being against the law).  A similar threat in New York was ignored.

Terror causes derangement and madness, that’s how it works. In all social, economic, and political matters, psychology is the most important factor… Until a crash or a collapse or other tough encounter with reality intervenes, and a completely different psychology, war making, emerges. And psychology can get very twisted. Beyond what is usually brandished in psychology textbooks. Real psychology deployed by individuals is always ahead of what they read in, or heard about from, textbooks. Because under-standing is all about going meta (going below, or above, what is understood, by making a theory about what is known, beyond what is known.)

The European Commission has proposed a “Super Frontex” to save the Schengen (”No Borders”) Europe. The empire is counter-attacking. Indeed there were more than one million two hundred thousand official illegal entries in the Schengen space this year.

The existing “Frontex” is in charge of helping the states defend the frontiers of “Schengen” (which is the European Union  plus Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Macedonia minus Great Britain). “Frontex” has 400 agents. “Super Frontex” would have 2,500 ready to intervene nearly instantaneously… even without the authorization of the nation where there is an illegal immigration crisis.

This would be a major step in making Europe into a nation. Unsurprisingly Hungary is against it. However France and Germany are all for it.

That many problems affecting Europe can only be addressed by much more strength is becoming increasingly evident to more and more Europeans: hence the success of “far-right” parties, or increasingly “far-right” ideas (UK PM Cameron’s majority being the most obvious far-right success in 2015).

After the Paris attacks, the French Air force hit targets four times in Raqqa, the Islamist State’s capital, on some very precise, well determined targets. After that, conscious of the problem of hitting inside a city full of innocent civilians, and of the fact the islamist State creates entire cities of tunnels below the cities it seizes, the French and the Americans brought diplomatic force to bear on Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and company. It bore fruit: those countries have announced the constitution of a force to fight the Islamist State on the ground (which will be advised by Western Special Forces helping planes find targets in a timely manner, a tactic which allowed to recover several cities).

That’s nice, especially if Turkey closes its borders. In not unrelated news, the European Union announced it would reconsider favorably Turkey’s candidacy to the European Union.

In other, but related, news, Marine Le Pen, who was accused criminally to have stoked ethnic hatred for comparing hordes of kneeling Muslims blocking the streets of France to pray their abusive god, to the Nazi occupation of said France, was found not guilty. OK, she has no said, to my knowledge, “abusive”, about the Muslim God, but I will do whatever it takes to not be accused to be a follower of Marine, so I will not hesitate to forge ahead, in the philosophically correct way.

Abusive? Abusive behavior brought to bear upon the female spouse is ordered by God in the Qur’an:

Qur’an, Sura 4: Verse 34 “… As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds,  and beat them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.” All male chauvinist pig abusers should swear allegiance to the Islamist State, that would be a smart move. (Hurry up while it lasts!)

Pushed by the U.S. army, 7,500 Peshmerga, the fighters of Kurdistan, took the (mostly Kurdish) city of Sinjar. The Islamist State’s fighters were led by fanatical Afghan and Chechen commanders. American bombing helped to destroy their hold on the city (which is nearly completely destroyed). Most Jihadists were able to flee. The USA speaks of hundreds of Jihadists killed. The Kurds found Yazidis corpses in fields around the city: older women, who had been persuaded first to drop their weapons, were then eliminated by the Islamist State. Younger women were then used sexually. until they died (a few escaped).

Why was the Islamist State’s main road not cut earlier? Surely, France and the USA had the means to cut that road, in the last two years. But they did not, because of the “turn the other cheek“, “Islam is peace, and we are too” philosophy embraced by the befuddled populations and governments in the USA and France (among others). Or, let’s say, so was the excuse.

Strength is not just that of security services, and the army. It’s also legislative strength, propped by the correct philosophy. “Political Correctness” has been a weakness, because it was mostly sustained by the all-too Christian “turn-the-other-cheek” philosophy.

Turn the other cheek” is what tyrannical Roman emperors and their cliques wanted common people to do: it is easier to slap again those who turn the other cheek. Persuading the Commons that turning the other cheek was in their best interest, was always a tactic to turn the rabble into an obedient, sheep-like mob (an image Christianism used ad nauseam!) As Nietzsche pointed out, the philosophy of the aristocracy was rather that of the “blonde beast“:

Coat of Arms of England: 3 Blonde Beasts

Coat of Arms of England: 3 Blonde Beasts

The Plantagenet Dukes of Normandy, Starting With their founder, the Viking Rollo (made vassal of the King of France in 911 CE) used initially only two lions… Benjamin Franklin, deliberately blind to the preceding philosophy, that peace can be attained, and preserved, through strength only, wanted to use the eminently edible turkey as symbol of the USA (maybe Franklin was trying to persuade the King of England that he, Franklin, was only as stupid and harmless as a turkey?). Common sense prevailed, and a suitably predatory eagle was chosen.

Ultimately, humanity is all about the smartest, and greatest strength. Whatever vegans try to mumble through those naivety orgasms they indulge in. Civilization is a one parameter group of transformation from the Absolute Worth Energy (AWE) at the disposal of each person. In other words, energy being at the core of human living, thus humanism, proper and optimal violence management has always been at the core of the most human humanity.

Patrice Ayme’

Islam: Lies & War Above Peace

November 17, 2015

More than 99% of known religions are, by the standards of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, not just evil, but illegal. And that includes Catholicism as practiced in, say, France, in 1700 CE.

The Islamist State has an ideology, and its name is Literal Islam, the one and only (anybody else is an apostate and Allâh ordered to kill them). John Oliver about the fuc*ing giant ass*olery which masquerades as something honorable:

The “Enlightenment”, mostly a French centric invention, consisted in asserting the Rights of Man and the Citizen, and destroy whatever was in the way of those rights, to impose them universally. When the French Republic declared war to the Nazi Reich (and to Hitler’s ally, the USSR), on September 3, 1939, it was more of the same. It was precisely to destroy ideologies which industrially violated the Rights of Man, while claiming to be for peace, freeing minorities, fighting an unfair treaty which had freed Eastern Europe, saving the pure races from bastardization, rescuing civilization, fighting “plutocrats” and all the grossest lies the Nazis could possibly imagine. As we will see below, the ideology known as Islam rests on a similar dynamic of the grossest lies.

 Islamophilia Kills

Islamophilia Kills

[ISIS declared that going to concerts or bars was “idolatry”, and that’s punished by death, according to the Qur’an, the message of Allah.]

The going was tough for France in 1940, and not just because of unusual left field attack planned by a couple of Nazi generals. That was recoverable, but not the attitude of the USA then. Indeed the USA, at the time did not hesitate to violate its mother, France, to advance American business (also known, aka, as plutocrats). So the USA helped, de facto, in more ways than one, the Nazis, by operating the same bait and switch as in World War One. Germany ended with 10% of its population killed, the European Jews got nearly annihilated, etc.

France would not have been occupied in 1940, if only the USA had barked (because the French Air Force has the means of counter-attack). But, instead of barking, Roosevelt recognized Vichy, a subsidiary of Hitler, as the legitimate French State (it was not).

Fortunately, the present American leadership has learned from the history of infamy to which Roosevelt and his accomplices brought so much. President Hollande proclaimed yesterday the USA and France to be “sisters”, and the U.S. Secretary of State, basking in front of the Red White And Blue U.S. embassy in Paris, proclaimed that the USA and France were “the same family”. Whereas Roosevelt disliked France intensely (after all, he was a plutocrat from a long lineage of plutocrats), Obama loves France (discreetly).

Islamophiles claim that “Islam is a religion of peace”. They also claim Islam respects other religions. Both statements indicate they have not read the Qur’an. They are sheer propaganda, but an extremely old, crafty and interlocked propaganda, set during the bloody decades when  Islam, and its various strifes and hatreds got established.

One call to violence in a religious text is enough to make the religion in question violent. Roughly 10% of the 80,000 words Qur’an are sheer calls to violence: please consult my “Violence in the Holy Qur’an” which consists of violent quotes from the Qur’an. They cannot be explained away.

One call to murder in a religion’s most sacred text, especially to murder of the obviously innocent, is enough, in my own sacred book of humanity, to make such a religion a call to holocaust.

In the New Testament, Jesus calls, in a few places, to murder “unbelievers”. There are not many of these quotes. Indeed, one is enough. Then, in the name of the Bible, “believers” could go out and kill millions of “unbelievers” (millions of those were Europeans). In the Qur’an, there are probably hundreds of calls to murder of entire categories of people. When ISIS struck in Paris, it said it had killed “idolaters” (one of the categories the Qur’an marks for murder.

So how come people who are often viewed as intelligent proclaim that “Islam is a religion of peace”? Because Islam says so. (Hitler said he was protecting minorities: hundreds of millions, not just Germans, but also Americans, believed him.)

Islam says it is a religion of peace, and this lie has elements of truth in it: surely, when you are dead, you are at peace.

What happened was this: the revelations of the “recitation” (= Qur’an) happened to Muhammad over a number of years. During those years the so-called “Messenger” was attacking caravans he was raiding, Jews whom he wanted to annihilate, and making war to Mecca who viewed Muhammad stridently revised Judeo-Christianism a threat to the holy city’s thriving religious business, led by the goddess Moon and 365 lesser deities, plus the same old meteorite Muslims turn around to this day (so Muslims are actually reproducing the acts of 2,000 year old, pre-Islamist IDOLATRY, ironically enough for people who want to kill all idolaters: why don’t they start with themselves?… Ah, but, yes, of course, I forgot, that’s the exact idea of suicide attacks…)

Muhammad won an important battle against Mecca, where he was born, from the leading family.

So Muhammad had to tame mighty Mecca, lest the city go in a total war mode. And, instead Muhammad had to make sure Mecca would accept to lose a few battles graciously. Thus Muhammad was accommodating, and made gentle statements, such as:’you can have your religion, I can have mine’. Muslim scholars interpret this as Muhammad being under duress.

Here comes the all important concept of taqiyya, or lying when in fear: it’s OK to do so. (It’s also OK to lie to reconcile a couple, or to get a woman in bed.).

Taqiyya appears in Sura 3:28:

“Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends; and whoever does this, shall have nothing to do with Allâh in any matter; unless you do this to protect yourselves from the unbelievers.  Thus Allâh cautions you to have reverence only for him. To Allâh is destiny.”

[My translation.]

Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir writes, “… believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers… are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly.” Ibn Kafthir quotes Muhammad‘s companion, Abu Ad-Darda’, who said “we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them,” and Al-Hasan who said that “dissimulation (Tuqyah) is acceptable till the Day of Resurrection.”

How can you have peace when you are supposed to religiously lie to “Non-believers”?

So what of that Islam is peace BS? How do we know that Islamist scholars who believe in the Qur’an, all of the Qur’an and nothing but the Qur’an, know that it is BS? Especially once completed by the much worse Hadith?

A common defense of Islam is to say that, like the Bible, there is everything, including the kitchen sink, in the text, so one cannot single out one or two bad elements. Out of just 80,000 words, the argument is obviously ridiculous: I publish as many words in barely more than a month, and I don’t include the kitchen sink.

As I said, there are more than 10,000 words in the worst verses of the Qur’an, many of them, lethal orders to kill. In this age, when the rage against plutocrats and their obsequious servants is so high, the orders to kill miscreants can only make a sacred text very tempting.

I claim the orders to kill miscreants, unbelievers. “idolaters” (ISIS word of the week), pagans, apostates supersede the “religion of peace” aspect.

Why? Because Muhammad feared for his life from Mecca and his own tribe, when he made this call: it’s straightforward taqiyya. Moreover, there is a general metaprinciple that a later verse takes precedence over an earlier verse. When Muhammad was dictator of Mecca (not expecting to die at the early age of 61), he issued the orders of “God” (namely himself), right and left, and for no good reason whatsoever (at least by then 15 centuries old Roman law standards).

Hopefully the holy alliance of France with the USA (“sister” country, said president Hollande… Actually, daughter) and rogue, but repenting Russia, will stamp out the Islamist State within months.

No pity should be shown, and heavy, relentless bombing used. Special Forces should be sent, in vast quantities. The three countries have plenty of them. A deal should be made with some of Saddam Hussein’s old officers, presently in ISIS.

In May 1940, France fought the unholy alliance of Hitler, Stalin and their friends, financiers, technologists and enablers, American plutocrats, not so discreetly supported by the American Congress and the White House.

This time Putin is no Stalin (I must admit with a reluctant smile) and president Obama is no (plutocratic and French backstabber) Roosevelt. Who said there could not be progress.?

A unique occasion is offering itself to get rid forever of Literal Islamism, as we got rid of Literal Christianism during the Enlightenment. Let’s outlaw the former, as we did the latter. Ferocity for the better is in order. Let’s go. This is how to recover an Islam we can live with, a seriously improved version of the one the Persian Caliphate knew, in the age of the House of Wisdom.

Patrice Ayme’


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

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Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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